Event Calendar
"Sandy engaged us in conversation with thought provoking questions. The atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable.The workshop was full of give and take. So many insights still come to me. I am able to use the handout as a reminder of the forgiveness process." SM

"The presentation was very clear and understandable. I enjoyed it and learned some new things. The "action" part of the class was awesome." ZS

"The experience made me really think about what is or is not important in life. The workshop was awesome!" JS

"I enjoyed the workshop and the relaxed way it was conducted. Great experience." AMR

"I liked the practicality of the workshop. Great job!" MJS

"Very good and inspiring." PM

"I really enjoyed learning about peaceful conflict resolution and how it can positively impact my life" SD 

"I love that I can easily apply these concepts to my life. I am going to  use the I-Statement format from now on." RA

"I liked the fact that it was simple and concise and that these tips can be used in everyday life situations. Very insightful." CG

"I enjoy the class interaction. You speak well and understand our age group. You make sure we are alert during the presentation and I will recommend your book to others because you make sense when you give advice." PR, Miami Dade College student


Sandy provides workshops on the following topics. She enjoys speaking to both small and large groups. Her current calendar can be found here
If you need a speaker for an upcoming event, please contact her

If you see a topic you'd like to learn, but there is no workshop currently scheduled, contact her. She can provide the training one-on-one in a private session. Invite a friend and share the cost!

Finding Your Destiny

How do you find your destiny? How will you know when you've found it? Are you ready to find it? (You may not be.) These and other questions are discussed during this interactive workshop. You are encouraged to bring your questions as well as your insights about this topic. The foundation for finding your destiny as well as the essential key for finding it will be presented. You will go home with practical steps you can take today to start pursuing your destiny, if you're ready. One-on-one consultation will be offered for those who are looking for support in finding their destiny - or, for those who discover they are not ready, support will be offered to overcome the obstacles discovered.
Note: This topic can be presented in 60-90 minutes.

The Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is an essential key to finding personal freedom. "What is forgiveness?" "Why is it necessary?" "How do you deal with the pain of the past?" These and other questions are discussed during this interactive workshop. There are a lot of misconceptions about what forgiveness is - do you hold any of them? Come and find out. You are encouraged to bring your questions as well as your insights about this topic. You will go home with practical steps you can take today to start processing the pain of your past, if you're ready. If not, you will learn what forgiveness truly means. One-on-one consultation will be offered for those who are looking for support to overcome a painful past.   Note: This topic can be presented in 60-90 minutes.

Couples in Action
You've invested time and energy into finding this partner, now make the relationship worth keeping! Did you know that staying in a happy committed relationship can extend your life by 4 years? Research shows that all happy couples have one main quality - do you have it? If so, do you know how to keep it? Come and find out! This interactive workshop will help you learn about yourself and your partner in entertaining ways. Don't worry - you won't be forced to share with the group, only with your partner if you choose. You won't be bored - this is a workshop you'll enjoy and talk about later.
Note: This workshop works best as a one-day seminar or as 8 weekly classes.

Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Peaceful Conflict? Aren't those two opposites? In this workshop you'll learn how what you say and how you say it makes all the difference between nasty conflict and peaceful conflict resolution. Do you find yourself in arguments over the same things over and over? Does it seems like nasty conflicts break out more often than you'd like? Conflict is a necessary part of being alive, but it doesn't have to be so stressful. You'll learn the power of using I-Statements and how to apply them to your daily interactions with friends, family and coworkers. Many have been amazed how this simple communication technique has transformed their relationships. Afterwards, one-on-one mentoring will be offered to anyone looking for support in developing this practice (and others like it) to improve their personal relationships.
Note: This topic can be presented in 30 or 60 minutes.

Reducing Tension with Your Teen

Why is it that when children become teenagers, there's so much conflict when dealing with them? What is happening to them that causes a previously cooperative child to become a distant and difficult teen? Even the best parents struggle with knowing how to handle this change. During this workshop you will learn specific things you can do to reduce the tension in your relationship with your kids. Feel free to bring one of your kids to the workshop to practice on! You will both benefit. You'll learn the power of using I-Statements and how to apply them to your daily interactions in your family. Many have been surprised at how this simple communication technique has transformed their relationships. You'll also get an overview of how to implement behavioral contracts that deepen the understanding and respect between parents and teenagers. You'll be amazed at the level of peace in your home if you try using the contract. Coaching/mentoring will be offered to anyone looking for support in developing this practice (and others like it) to reduce the tension in their home.
Note: In order to cover both techniques, a minimum of 3 hours is required. Either technique can be presented in 60-90 minutes.

Personality Power
Knowledge is power - knowing your personality type and those of the people around you gives you an edge in any situation. Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses can help you achieve much more than you realized. Knowing how to manage the personality quirks of others can help you live a more peacful life at home, at work and among your neighbors. Are you a Lion, a Beaver, a Golden Retriever or an Otter type? Come and find out! You'll go home with a greater depth of understanding about yourself and those closest to you. Afterwards, one-on-one mentoring will be offered to anyone looking for support in applying this information to improve their personal relationships.
Note: This workshop can be done with adults or adults and kids (age 12 and up) and takes 60-90 minutes.

The Five Languages of Love
Each person has a unique way of giving and receiving love. Discover your “love language” and the language of the ones you love. It makes a huge difference whether you are speaking someone's language or not. When you speak their love language, they feel loved. When you don't, your efforts are often overlooked or unappreciated. Get the love you need by learning your unique language. You can greatly improve the bond with your partner, your children and your grandchildren by applying these concepts. They are easy to learn and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results. One-on-one mentoring will be offered to anyone looking for support in developing this practice (and others like it) to improve their personal relationships.  Note: This topic can be presented in 60 minutes.

Ways to Develop Your Spiritual Life
Eighteen different ways to develop your spiritual life will be presented. These methods can be used by anyone, regardless of your spiritual or religious background. The ideas presented are great for beginners. They can also assist someone to go deeper on their chosen path by incorporating a new spiritual practice into their daily routine. Come and share what works for you! If you are looking for more information about a particular activity or method of spiritual development you've heard about, come and ask questions! One-on-one mentoring will be offered to anyone looking for guidance or support in developing their personal spirituality.
Note: This topic can be presented in 60-90 minutes.

Managing Stress with Radical Acceptance
Come and learn the power of uniting Radical Acceptance with the practice of Mindfulness to manage stress. It's easy to learn - but challenging to practice! Those who master Radical Acceptance enjoy a greater sense of peace and serenity - we can all use more of that. During this workshop you will be encouraged to consider the consequences of your current thought patterns - how you think each day affects your experience of peace and tranquility. This practice also works wonders on your relationships - you'll be amazed how much easier it is to get along with the people closest to you. One-on-one mentoring will be offered to anyone looking for support in developing this practice (and others like it) into their personal life.
Note: This topic can be presented in 60-90 minutes.

The Power of Soul-Ties
A healthy soul-tie can be a springboard for you to soar into your dreams; an unhealthy soul-tie can suck the life right out of you. Which kind of soul-ties do you have? Come and find out. This interactive workshop will describe how soul-ties are formed, how to tell if you have a healthy or unhealthy soul-tie with someone in your life and how to break any soul-ties you no longer want. Most people know how to form them; very few know how to break them. Can a soul-tie be transformed? Bring your questions as well as your insights about this topic. You will go home with practical steps you can take today to break unhealthy soul-ties, if you are ready. One-on-one consultation will be offered for those who want to ensure their soul-ties stay healthy and to break off any lingering unhealthy soul-ties from the past.
Note: This topic can be presented in 60-90 minutes.

Three Part Series - Identifying and Receiving Your Intentions

This 3 part workshop series will take you through the steps of Identifying Your Intentions, Overcoming Barriers to Your Intentions and learning the secret to Receiving Your Intentions. Each interactive workshop will allow you to ask questions as well as share your own insights. You'll learn how to set intentions that are aligned with your life-purpose. You'll learn how to overcome barriers you encounter as well as how to cultivate the ability to receive your intentions. Each workshop ends with a participation exercise to help you take a step forward. Handouts will summarize the important lessons learned so that you can practice at home. This is a series you won't want to miss!

Part 1: Identifying Your Intentions
How do you identify your intentions for the new year or anytime in your life? Why do New Year's Resolutions so often fail to make us better people? This interactive workshop will help you learn how to set intentions that are aligned with your life-purpose. This workshop will give you time to consider who you are today, how you are progressing toward becoming your ideal self and what steps you need to take to get there successfully. You will take home tools to help you identify your intentions and stay focused on them.

Part 2: Overcoming Barriers to Your Intentions
After you have identified and set your intentions, you may encounter obstacles in your path. This interactive workshop will explore how to identify and overcome these barriers. What is the secret to unleashing the power you need to realize your intentions? The answer might surprise you. Come and find out. You will leave this workshop with improved clarity regarding how to move forward with purpose and inner strength.

Part 3: Receiving Your Intentions
Are you in control of whether or not you receive your intentions? What role do you play? Can others stop you from receiving your intentions? This interactive workshop will help you cultivate the ability to receive the intentions that you set. This will be a paradigm shift in your thinking - come and see what a difference it makes! You will receive a greater confidence in knowing what to expect in the future. The process is simple, but not necessarily easy! Come and be challenged. You won't want to miss this workshop. It's the best of all three.

View the Event Calendar for a current list of workshop dates & times


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