"Sandy was the sound voice we needed to hear amid the chaos we were experiencing. She offered us hope and encouragement when we did not believe our marriage could work any longer." 
Jose & Paige, 
married 8 years

* * * * * * * * * *

It's time to answer - time to take action!   
If you feel stirred to find your purpose, 
your destiny, 

why wait any longer?

Call Sandy




No one ever regretted coaching with someone who listens to you - to help you become a better person.


You'll be glad you did!


A Freedom Coach can help you

-        find direction for your life

-       improve the quality of your relationships

-       focus on what is really important to you

-       find resources you need to fulfill your dreams

-       determine the next step in your career

-       find answers to your questions about parenting

-       revitalize your marriage

-       reduce the tension with your teen       

-       improve your communication skills

-       find your purpose for being

-       manage stress & learn to relax

Having a Freedom Coach is like having an expert and a best friend all in one. Someone who will listen without judging you, but will also give you an objective opinion about what is best for YOU!

The initial consultation is free. This is when you can meet Sandy and get to know her style. She will ask about your interest in coaching and how she might be of service. By the end of the session, it will be clear to both of you whether or not there is a good fit for working together.

All appointments are confidential.

Private sessions can be held in your home, office or other convenient locations. Appointments can be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly as needed. Sessions can be 60 or 90 minutes, as you prefer. Telephone coaching is available for those who cannot meet in person.

Clients often see significant results within 4 sessions, others prefer to continue for 6-12 sessions. The decision is yours - you'll know how much you need as you experience the process. Read What to Expect for a description of the coaching process.

1 session - $90/hour
4 session package (4 hours) - $300   That's $75/hour, a 15% discount!
Additional discounts available for full-time students, single mothers, members of the military and clergy families. If you're desperate to be free, I'll work within your budget! We will find a way.

To set up an appointment or to ask any questions you may have, 
contact Sandy today

Sandy is also available as a public speaker on any of the topics listed above. For more information, visit the Workshops page. If you'd like to invite her to speak to your group, please contact her. She provides interactive workshops and seminars that participants remember and enjoy!

20% of annual profits help supply homes for orphans through World Vision. 
For more information, click here.

 © 2011-2014 Sandy Walker, Destinysfreedom.com
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